Advocacy Western Isles Independent Advocacy

We are an independent organisation set up and run in the Western Isles off the North West of Scotland. Our service is based in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, with a branch in South Uist.

We provide issue based one to one, non-instructed and collective independent advocacy to support you in times of need. We give priority to those with mental health issues, people with a learning disability, elderly, children, young people, their parent/carers, those who are cared for and carers.

Our role is to support people to speak up for themselves to promote what they think is in their best interests. Ensuring their voice is heard, views are taken seriously, rights are explored and upheld and people are involved in decisions that are made about them.


Alex John Murray – Chair
Emelin Collier – Vice Chair
Agnes Michel – Secretary
Charlie Nicolson – Treasurer
Donald Wilson – Committee Member
Margaret Ann Beggs – Committee Member
Ronald Engebretson – Committee Member
Lucy Macdonald – Committee Member

Stated Purpose

The stated purpose of Advocacy Western Isles is:

  • the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation,
  • the promotion of equality and diversity,
  • the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

What is advocacy?

Having your voice heard.

Having your rights and interests protected.

Being safeguarded when you are unable to safeguard yourself.

Being listened to.

Having your views taken into account.

Being treated as an equal.

Office Address:

Rear Wing, 16 Francis Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2XB
Phone : 01851 701 755
Email :

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday
9.30am to 5pm