The quickest and easiest way to get in touch is to call us on 01851 701 755 for a confidential chat about your needs.
If you would like to refer someone to our service, please download the referral form and email it to when completed.
We provide Advocacy Services in 3 different ways
We will advise you on the best method for your specific issue or needs.
One to one Advocacy
One to one Advocacy stands alongside individuals helping them to represent their views, rights and what they believe is in their best interests.
Collective / Group Advocacy
Collective / Group Advocacy happens when a group of people who are all facing a common problem come together on a formal basis to support each other over specific issues.
Non-instructed Advocacy
Non-instructed Advocacy happens when an individual can not tell their Independent Advocacy Worker what they want and usually takes place with people who have dementia or profound and /or severe learning difficulties. This can be a long process, taking time to get to know the person and significant other in their lives.
“When we do our SMILE work I don’t feel like I have a learning disability, people don’t see our disability, they see you – it makes me feel the same as everyone else.”
“I didn’t feel positive about my care before, but with you here I feel positive about it now.”
“I felt great knowing that you were there beside me; really comfortable. Maybe in the past when I have had to do an assessment, I felt quite tense, but it felt good to have you there.”
“We didn’t know that we could use our SDS to purchase equipment during Covid-19, but with Advocacy’s support we were able to approach our local authority to request a more flexible spend.”
“I really appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you for everything you have done to help.”

Lewis & Harris Services
First Floor, Rear Wing, 16 Francis Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2XB
Phone : 01851 701 755
Email :
Uist & Barra Services
Generic/Mental Health Advocacy Worker
Phone : 01878 700 000 or 07584 898 48
Email :
SDS Advocacy Worker
Phone: 01851 701 755
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
Contact by phone 9.30 to 5pm