Children’s Hearing
As the primary provider Advocacy Western Isles can provide children and young people with independent advocacy service for Children’s Hearings.
Advocacy is all about supporting children and young people to express their own needs and views, helping them to make sure they are heard, they are involved in decisions that are made about them and on matters which affect their lives.

Useful Links for You to Check Out
Advocacy Western Isles’ Children’s Hearings Advocacy is funded by:

How does it work?
An Advocacy Worker will meet with you and help you
Our Advocacy Workers are friendly and will listen to what you want
You can pick where and when to meet your Advocacy Worker
It could be on your own or with someone else like your parent, it could be at home, in school, hospital or any other place that you feel comfortable with
You can also email, text, WhatsApp or Zoom your Advocacy Worker
Your Advocacy Worker will make a plan with you about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
We will speak for you if you don’t want to speak yourself or can speak along with you.

An Advocacy Worker can help you to:
- Get ready and go to Hearings and meetings where important things are being discussed about you
- Help you to understand what things mean
- Help you to find information and know what your rights are
- Help and support you to say what you really think and want.
- Do everything you can to make sure your voice is heard
- Talk to you and help you understand what has been decided
It is our job to be on your side!
We hear you and we’re with you every step of the way
How can I get an Advocacy Worker?
You can contact us yourself or ask someone else to do it for you